What is Cadets?
The Cadet Program is a national program for all young Canadians aged 12 to 18 who are interested in participating in a variety of fun, challenging and rewarding activities. These activities will encourage and help develop:
physical fitness
leadership skills
engaged and active citizenship
personal health and well-being
Why Air Cadets?
Air Cadets focus on the aviation environment including power flying and gliding, aerospace, aircraft maintenance, navigation, and outdoor survival. If these topics are interesting to you, the Air Cadet program may be the right fit!
Will I have to wear a mask/be vaccinated to participate in Cadet activities?
We follow both provincial and CAF mandated guidelines at our squadron. Currently, cadets only have to wear masks if the facility requires it. The Carleton Street Armouries does not currently require Cadets to wear masks.
*Rules are subject to change*
Will I be expected to join the Canadian Armed Forces?
As a cadet you are not a member of the Canadian Armed Forces, and you are not expected to join the military. While you are introduced to Air activities of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and certain traditions, you are also introduced to many other career options outside of the CAF.
How old do you have to be to join Cadets?
Youth can join the Cadet Program starting at age 12 and can remain in the program until their 19th birthday.
To see where these answers came from and to see more frequently asked questions, visit: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/cadets-junior-canadian-rangers/cadets/about/frequently-asked-questions.html